Victor U. J. Nwankwo, Jean-Pierre Raulin, Dra. Emilia Correia, William F. Denig, Olanike Akinola,
Olugbenga Ogunmodimu, Rafael R De Oliveira
Welcome to Centre for Space Research (CESPAR)
Exploring the Space through Research for Human Benefits
- AUL-HWU propagation path
- AUL-JJI propagation path
- AUL-NWC propagation path
- AUL-VTX propagation path
Our programme of research in atmospheric and radio science, solar-terrestrial Physics and space weather include:
- Space weather (and effects on ground-based and space-borne technology)
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) coupling
- Ionospheric-Tropospheric coupling
- Ionospheric electricity
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Our recent publications from CESPAR, Anchor University Lagos
Diagnostic study of geomagnetic storm-induced ionospheric changesover VLF signal propagation paths in mid-latitude D-region
Victor U. J. Nwankwo1, Sandip K. Chakrabarti2 , William Denig3 , Olugbenga Ogunmudimu4 , Muyiwa P. Ajakaiye1, and Paul Anekwe1